Bass Angling Conservation

Helping sea anglers get their views heard by politicians and fishery managers.

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We’re Not Gonna Take It!

We’re Not Gonna Take It!

Until the bass plan is amended to prioritise a higher stock target, I will be telling Defra ”We do not accept your plan”. Have you ever had the frustrating experience of someo…

Bass Fishery Fail

Bass Fishery Fail

Minister Boosts Commercial Bass Catch at Expense of the Stock and Anglers The bass stock crashed in 2015 and has still not recovered to a safe level, so we need to keep fishin…

Review of the Bass Authorisation system

At the request of Defra, the Marine Management Organisation (“MMO”) is undertaking a review of the Bass Authorisation system. Bass Angling Conservation has provide…

UK and EU agree unsustainable bass fishing opportunities for 2025

The bass stock is at an unsafe level, yet instead of at least trying to keep the stock stable by cutting fishing pressure, unbelievably the UK and the EU have just agreed to i…

Bass 2025 Fishing Opportunities

Bass 2025 Fishing Opportunities

This morning, the EU Commission has advised that the UK and EU have agreed to set bass fishing pressure below the ICES headline advice, in recognition of the bass stock still …

The (Bass) Nightmare Before Christmas?

The (Bass) Nightmare Before Christmas?

In 2017 and 2018, the bass stock crashed to scarily low levels.  But since then, as a result of emergency restrictions, the stock has recovered somewhat but remains at an…

Sussex Netting Byelaw

Sussex Netting Byelaw

Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority was told that it should consult on radical changes it made to its proposed netting byelaw (scrapping the proposed “ne…