This morning, the EU Commission has advised that the UK and EU have agreed to set bass fishing pressure below the ICES headline advice, in recognition of the bass stock still being at a dangerously low level. The ICES headline advice was to shrink the stock by 7%.
However, we are still waiting to hear the actual catch limits agreed. If they keep catch limits at their current level, the stock level is expected to decline. The UK and EU have a legal commitment to take all appropriate remedial measures to ensure the rapid return of the stock to a safe level – will they deliver on that?
In particular, have the UK and the EU actually increased catch limits for bottom trawlers and seiners, thus increasing fishing pressure when the stock needs rebuilding? We expect to find out in the course of this week.
The (Bass) Nightmare Before Christmas?
In 2017 and 2018, the bass stock crashed to scarily low levels. But since then, as a result of emergency restrictions, the stock has recovered somewhat but remains at an unsafe level, so more stock rebuilding is needed. But like any good scary movie, just when you think things are getting better, the shocks keep coming.
In recent weeks, we have realised that the scientists’ annual bass stock assessment1 doesn’t contain rebuilding advice. Instead, it presents “Headline Advice” that, if followed, would actually shrink the bass stock, not rebuild it!
The scientists’ assessment provides other, lower, catch scenarios that fishery managers could follow, but the problem is the fisheries managers’ normally aim to set fishing opportunities in line with the Headline Advice and say this is “sustainable”. Regarding bass specifically, so far we have only heard Defra talk about the “Headline Advice”, which makes us concerned they may not appreciate that the Headline Advice for bass is not aimed at rebuilding the bass stock and is therefore not “sustainable”.
When we raised this problem with Defra’s UK fishing opportunities negotiators, to their credit they seemed to take it on board that not having scientific rebuilding advice, when you are supposed to be rebuilding stocks, is a rather difficult place for fisheries managers to find themselves and have offered a meeting to discuss this problem in early 2025.
But what will UK and EU fisheries managers decide in the next few weeks for the bass fishery in 2025?
The EU Advisory Council for North Western Waters (which is dominated by commercial fishing interests) has recommended following the Headline Advice and shrinking the bass stock by 7% in 2025 (overturning the more conservative position of its bass focus group that recommended no change to the total bass tonnage killed). We have heard France is seeking to increase landings by bottom trawlers and seiners, whilst rolling-over catch limits for other gear types – so aiming to reduce the bass stock by 3%.
Bass Angling Conservation supports the position taken by the European Anglers Alliance and the International Forum for Sustainable Underwater Activities:
“the EAA and IFSUA recommend that fisheries managers should not follow the ICES headline advice and instead should consider alternatives to the ICES headline advice and aim for Total Removals that would either increase or, at the very least, maintain the SSB2 in 2025. Recognising the significant challenge of reducing fishing pressure enough to achieve stock growth within the year, we recommend that fisheries managers target a Total Removals level of 1,469 tonnes in 2025, a 26% reduction from the estimated 2024 removals of 1,990 tonnes.”
Where should these cuts fall, if the fisheries managers were to decide to do the right thing by the bass stock? Recreational fishers have had no increase to their bag limit since 2020, whilst commercial fishing limits were increased in each of 2021, 2022 and 2023, so we argue that fisheries managers should revoke some of those previous commercial fishing increases.
However, fisheries managers know that reducing commercial catch limits upsets commercial fishers, so it seems likely that, at best, fishery managers will settle for a roll-over of 2024 measures and keep their fingers crossed that the scientists are wrong and this won’t shrink the stock by 3%. Do UK fisheries managers and our Fisheries Minister have the nerve to stand up for the bass stock and the improved long-term socio-economic benefits that will flow from maintaining or growing the bass stock in 2025? We will soon know the answer.
[2] Spawning Stock Biomass
It’s the Fish, Stupid!
What’s the most important thing for fishery managers to do? Make sure there are plenty of fish in the sea of course! But in the bass fishery, the Government instead targets maximising the number of bass killed. The result of this disastrous policy is a stock size just 30% of what it would be if there were no fishing. Shocking, isn’t it? 70% of the bass stock has gone. This policy makes no sense, even for a commercial fishery, since it is well-established that targeting a higher stock size would increase commercial fishing profits. But when you consider the bass fishery is predominantly a recreational fishery1 that values an abundance of big bass, maximising the number of bass killed is downright nuts! So surely the Government is planning to fix this with the shiny, new Bass Fishery Management Plan that is now in consultation? Astonishingly, it isn’t! It intends to keep maximising the number of bass killed and has suggested it will “seek to review and carry out new research to assess alternative harvest strategies for bass that prioritise societal and ecosystem benefits”. Note the words “seek to review”. So they aren’t even making a firm commitment to review this policy, let alone change it. And guess what? They aren’t going to do anything in the short term, saying they will do this in the “medium to long term”, and we all know what that might mean – kick the can down the road until most people have forgotten about it and then kick it into the long grass. It’s unacceptable that the Government isn’t making targeting a higher bass stock level a high priority for the Bass Fishery Management Plan. If you agree, please go to our website and send an email to your MP asking him or her to contact the Fisheries Minister asking for a strong commitment to change this policy quickly. Your email will be copied to the consultation mailbox, but please also go to the Government’s consultation webpage and submit a reply. If we all act now, we and future generations will reap the benefits of a bigger and more resilient bass stock. |
Note: 1 by bass put on British family plates, number of participants and economic value |
Bass Angling Conservation – at the heart of the political debate on the future of the bass fishery in Northern Europe. |