UK and EU agree unsustainable bass fishing opportunities for 2025

The bass stock is at an unsafe level, yet instead of at least trying to keep the stock stable by cutting fishing pressure, unbelievably the UK and the EU have just agreed to increase bass fishing pressure and shrink the bass stock. And yet the law says when the stock is at this unsafe level “all appropriate remedial measures shall be adopted to ensure rapid return of the stock or functional unit concerned to levels above those capable of producing MSY”. Who in their right minds thinks agreeing to shrink the bass stock will ensure its rapid return to a safe level?

And once again, recreational fishers have been discriminated against – increases for the commercial fishers but not for recreational fishers.

Get ready for Defra and our Fisheries Minister telling us what a great deal they have done, that sustainability is their watchword and they are heroes for not having followed the scientists’ advice that would have shrunk the stock by 7%. Despite them having no idea what additional Total Removals their decision to increase fishing pressure represents or how much it will shrink the stock.

You can read the sea bass changes at page 15 of the attached document.

Bass 2025 Fishing Opportunities

This morning, the EU Commission has advised that the UK and EU have agreed to set bass fishing pressure below the ICES headline advice, in recognition of the bass stock still being at a dangerously low level. The ICES headline advice was to shrink the stock by 7%.

However, we are still waiting to hear the actual catch limits agreed. If they keep catch limits at their current level, the stock level is expected to decline. The UK and EU have a legal commitment to take all appropriate remedial measures to ensure the rapid return of the stock to a safe level – will they deliver on that?

In particular, have the UK and the EU actually increased catch limits for bottom trawlers and seiners, thus increasing fishing pressure when the stock needs rebuilding? We expect to find out in the course of this week.