The bass stock is at an unsafe level, yet instead of at least trying to keep the stock stable by cutting fishing pressure, unbelievably the UK and the EU have just agreed to increase bass fishing pressure and shrink the bass stock. And yet the law says when the stock is at this unsafe level “all appropriate remedial measures shall be adopted to ensure rapid return of the stock or functional unit concerned to levels above those capable of producing MSY”. Who in their right minds thinks agreeing to shrink the bass stock will ensure its rapid return to a safe level?
And once again, recreational fishers have been discriminated against – increases for the commercial fishers but not for recreational fishers.
Get ready for Defra and our Fisheries Minister telling us what a great deal they have done, that sustainability is their watchword and they are heroes for not having followed the scientists’ advice that would have shrunk the stock by 7%. Despite them having no idea what additional Total Removals their decision to increase fishing pressure represents or how much it will shrink the stock.
You can read the sea bass changes at page 15 of the attached document.
Comment (10)
Peter Coleman-Smith| December 9, 2024
Extremely annoying but absolutely not surprising. The losers will be our bass populations. A sad day. Once again the politicians have let us down.
d1a2v3i4d5| December 10, 2024
Not only are they exposing the bass stock to higher risk, but they are damaging the future value of the bass fishery. Selling the family silver.
Melvin Percy| December 10, 2024
I’m disgusted. Here was a golden opportunity to try and turn things round, but instead they decided to plunder the stock even more. Not a good day to be a Bass!!!!
d1a2v3i4d5| December 10, 2024
As a result of current poor “recruitment” to the adult stock, it would have been challenging to target a stock increase in 2025, requiring a 25% reduction in fishing pressure just to keep the stock stable. But increasing fishing pressure at this time is just madness. It seems likely the UK was offered a “deal” on some other stocks and sold the bass stock (and recreational fishers) down the river in exchange. Shameful.
Juan Pienaar| December 10, 2024
” only once the last fish has been netted/ sold, will we learn we can’t eat money “
John D| December 10, 2024
Absolutely shocking decision to increase pressure on the already vulnerable bass stocks!
Simon Clark| December 11, 2024
I take it someone will be taking legal action against the decision
Andy Daniels| December 12, 2024
Why am I not surprised; make the rules, spout the rules and proclaim yourselves – ignore the rules!
Kevin Rothwell| December 12, 2024
As is always the case, the minister and side kicks have less than no knowledge or experience with the UK fishing industry and take guidance from people who know less than that.
The Europeans, as always, are after UK stocks and government will trade off anything for access to other markets to the detriment of our industry. This is what they do.
Double trouble, illegal netting of Bass nursery stocks by organized gangs in protected zones keeps happening with absolutely no intervention from fisheries agencies. So, with this and these latest announcements from people who know nothing, the future for Bass stocks look very bleak indeed.
I am sadly waiting for the Government climb down on the protected sandeel fishery again through pressure from EU, but that’s all to come.
Melvin Percy| December 16, 2024
Yes, you’re right about the Sandeel Fishery. I was quietly pleased when they got the protection they deserved. Probably short lived!!!